Details on how to attend this course will be provided by email once your registration is complete. You can also access your profile page to view all of your registrations.
Payment information will be collected when you checkout on the following page.

Join with others in small groups for an in depth look at the yamas and niyamas as you support each other in your spiritual goals. The groups will meet 6 times over a period of 12 weeks. Once you register you will be placed in a group. We will try to group people together according to time zones. When your group has formed you will collectively decide the day and time of your meetings. This is a free program, but if you would like to register through the website and make a dontation,you may. The smallest amount it will let us enter is $1. Let's strenghten our collective moral force!
This course has 1 lessons:
- February 20, 2025 @ 10:00 AM PST for 120 minutes.
Alberta Pedroja
Alberta Pedroja, PhD or Acharya Ammadevi has been practicing meditation and yoga for over 50 years and an acharya (spiritual teacher of meditation and yoga) for 15. She is a trained facilitator and works as a consultant to organizations helping leadership and front-line staff manifest their highest and best to improve their performance. She works with people to deepen their own understanding of their relationship to cardinal human values and further support their own growth. She is firmly established in the use of peer-to-peer education as a means of personal growth and development. Over the years she has been a sought-after speaker in systems change, performance improvement, and the tipping point, anticipating the conditions under which people and organizations shift their behaviors, attitudes, and mental models.