Introduction to Ananda Sutram

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Introduction to Ananda Sutram image

Ananda Sutram is the treatise on philosophy, given in classical aphorism format, by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. In 86 profound aphorisms Ananda Sutram covers with remarkable depth and clarity the core concepts of cosmology, ontology, science of mind, intuitional science, and socioeconomic theory. Many perennial philosophical controversies are given deep resolution; a number of philosophical misconceptions are corrected; and profound new insights on creation, teleology, mind, liberation, and society are propounded. This class will present an accessible overview of contents and significance of this monumental work.

Ananda Sutram provides the instructional framework for the philosophical portion of meditation teacher trainings offered by Transformation Education, so this class is recommended for those interested in entering meditation teacher training.

This course has 1 lessons:

  1. December 18, 2021 @ 10:00 AM PST for 90 minutes.

Ronald (Ravi) Logan

Ronald Logan is the Executive Director of the PROUT Institute. He is the principal author of PROUT: A New Paradigm of Development. In 1993, he co-authored the Plan for the Economic Development of Khabarovsk Krai on the Basis of PROUT, a report undertaken at the invitation of the Vice-Governor of Khabarovsk Krai in Far East Russia. His new books are A New Interpretation of Revolution and Transition to a New Era. He is also the co-founder and program director of Dharmalaya, where he has developed a diversity of residential training programs.

Ronald (Ravi) Logan